You have been pretty obsessed with YouTube lately. At first you loved watching fire trucks in action. Tours of fire trucks, trucks rushing to fires, bizarre montages of companies trucks set to music. Then it was garbage trucks. Then it was adorably cute british cartoons like Peppa Pig, Postman Pat, and Fireman Sam. Then it was the crazy expensive, totally awesome toys from
Rokenbok, that you want to put on your Christmas list. Unfortunately, I don't think even Santa can afford them. Just when I thought we couldn't find anymore bizarre things on YouTube, you out did yourself. Your latest fascination has been with Lego videos of police stations and fire trucks. These are mostly stop-motion videos of people building Legos. But you also found some silly videos of Lego mini-figures farting. Yes, farting. You are currently obsessed with farting Lego men. Even mentioning "Lego farts" in your presence sets you off in a fit of giggles. Clearly, you have turned into a 7 year old over night.

We took a mini-hiatus on Columbus weekend for a trip to visit Mia in Boston. We got stuck in traffic on the way there. It took us an hour to go 6 miles at one point, for a total of 7 hours in the car. It was my first time taking a trip like this by ourselves. I perfected the art of putting on your dvd player with one hand while driving and looking forward; memorizing the buttons on the blessed machine. We sang, did silly seat dances, ate snacks, and played I Spy. I asked you about 12 times to take a break and pull over and you insisted that we keep going. "We're almost, almost, almost there." Your voice raising octaves on each "almost". I am impressed at your ability to sit in the car happily for that long. Not many adults can do that besides three year olds.

Mia had a extravagant fall festivus with pumpkin soup and apple crisp. We attempted a corn maze at a local farm. It was my first time doing a corn maze and I was not sure what to expect. It was harder then I anticipated. I guess I thought we would always be able to see above the corn. You can't. I think we were in there for about a hour before cheating, cutting between the rows in the direction of the music and the smell of popcorn. At each fork, you and Brody (a fellow 3 year old) would stop to check your map and choose a direction. You wanted to pick up the corn off the ground to bring it home and eat it. Over the last 10 minutes you needed a piggy back. At that point, I think I could have used a piggy back. The funniest part is I guess another
family actually called 911 because they got lost that weekend. I didn't think it was that bad.

We also made a trip into the city for a night with Hayley. We drove to Auntie B's and took the subway into the city. You were a classic country child, narrating everything the train was doing. "Look mom! People are getting on. Its stopping. We're going down. That man is reading his book. Hold on you might fall." I ask a MTA guy if I had to pay for you and he looked at me like I had 12 heads. I guess I was a classic suburban mom. At one point another boy sat down next to you and was baffled that you were so excited about doing something as mundane as riding the subway. I left your stroller at home and make you walk. Such a champ. I think we ended up walking a good 3 avenues and 10 blocks. The city is just so interesting. The trucks, the crazy people, the buildings, and OH MY JESUS the Biggest Toys R Us you had ever seen. We rode the ferris wheel and spent way too much money on Legos. I told you you couldn't get anything and walked out with $80 less. However, the Legos provided a needed distraction at dinner to allow me to drink some wine and chat. Bonus. We took a cab back to Auntie B's and you were fascinated with the touch screen TV in the back. Its always the little things that hold your interest the longest.
You got sick this month. Classic change of seasons, back to school nonsense. Because you are not feeling well you have been extra cuddly. You told me I had to sit with you and help you eat your breakfast on the couch because we are "bestest buddies." Really, how can I possibly say no to that? Then when you had a bad fever and I asked you to take a sip of water and you responded with "It's OK mom. I'm a fireman." I am not quite sure what being a fireman has to do with drinking water but its still 100% cute. Then when I had finished reading you books and as you were falling asleep you say "Mom, you're the greatest." Can I have a collective 'awww'? Its a phrase that I usually reserve for you. Because you are the greatest. And we are best buddies. And I think we make a pretty good team.
I love you everyday,