Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The List of all Lists

Wyatt has been writing his Christmas list for a long time.  Mostly it consists of trucks, Lego's, and more trucks.  He just rearranges the order of importance.  When we were finalizing the list to send to Santa, he threw me a doozie:

Can you read that?  That little bitty request at the bottom.  Well, if you can't, it says A BROTHER.  As in, another human.  Oh shit you guys. Can I pee my pants now?

I can't say that this is ENTIRELY a surprise.  He has been asking a decent amount about brothers.  Just a lot of questions really.  Which of his friends have siblings?  How is Aunt Lizzy my sister?  That kind of stuff.  I think it started when Gammy was opening peanuts with Wy. (Do you see how easy that was to blame Gammy? Ha!)  She would open them and ask if it had a brother or not. Wyatt started doing it. Then he started asking if he could have a brother.  I told him maybe someday but definitely not any time soon.  Then we were shopping in the mall and the "All I want for Christmas is a Brother" song came on.  Yeah.  I had never heard of it either.  It was as if a lightbulb went off above Wyatt's head.

"Santa can bring me a brother?"
"Bud, I'm not really sure that Santa can bring you a human.  Santa only deals with toys."
"But maybe I could ask him for one."
Ok, different tactic.  "Are you sure you would want a brother?  That means you would have to share your toys and your Momma."
"Well, maybe I want a big brother.  So, he could have big toys."
That's when I let the conversation drop because I was pretty confident I was not going to win any arguments.  I have a hard time out-smarting him sometimes, especially when he gets something in his head.

So, a few days later when we are writing his list, I am wondering if he is going to bring it up.  We got so close to the end and then he throws out the brother card. And just to clarify, he goes "A REAL big brother.  Not a toy." Then watches to see if I wrote that down.

What to do?  What to do?  Clearly, it is at the bottom of his list.  I am sure once he finds the Power Wheels Fire Truck (that has already been purchased and fought for at ToysRUs!  So Excited!) he will forget all about that pesky brother business.  Can I adopt a big brother somewhere?  Or maybe just borrow one for a day or two?  I am sure that will curb his need for a sibling.  Robot siblings, anyone?

Friday, November 18, 2011

God Bwess AmeriKa

I have never sang this before to Wyatt. My dad used to sing it to Wyatt when he was a baby. See: Wyatt's Singing Debut.  Then, one night at dinner, Wyatt busted out the entire song.  He said he learned it at school.  We make him sing it all the time now because it is too damn cute.  Hey, at least I know they are teaching him something!  Love, Love Love.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

45 Months

Fireman Wyatt,

I took you to 3 Firehouse open houses. Yes, 3. Because you are obsessed.  The GC one seemed to be your favorite.  You got to ride on a truck then watched as they lit an old oven on fire.  There was a police helicopter that took off and circled the building.  When I put you inside the helicopter, you announced "My dada's helicopter is bigger then this one." and look around unimpressed.  The pilot was a little put off and a little amused at the same time.  Then a fireman repelled from the roof of the building.  But by far your favorite, was when they staged an accident and had to use the jaws of life to rip a car apart. I expected to be there for a hour and we stayed for 3. You couldn't get enough. You have a collection of plastic fire helmets and went dressed in your finest firman coat and boots to each fire station. Whenever I call you a "Silly goose", you correct me saying "Mom, you can just call me Fireman Wyatt." Most of the firemen were so impressed with how much you knew and the one company said you could visit whenever you wanted.

If I ask you what you want to be when you grow up you always say a fireman, however more recently you want to be a fireman and a lego artist. Because you can do both.  You could spend hours pouring your lego's out and designing cars or garages or firehouses.  You are so patient and meticulous, knowing exactly which piece you are looking for.  You have a ton of Duplo's but have expertly moved on the the little ones.  Most of the time, I am buying 5-12 year old lego's.  I use the "menus" as you call them, and put them together for you the first time. Then you play. But almost always, you can put them back together if they break.

We had a playdate adventure with Faetra in Brooklyn.  We found the Prospect Park Zoo, which is an adorably cute zoo (maybe better then Central Park in my humble opinion).  You smushed yourself in these fake egg shells and pronounce "Eggs marks the spot!" You out punned all of the adults around. You found this little pond with fixed plastic lilly pads for jumping, bull frog style. You loved it. We left that area and you kept stearing us back to them. You were jumping when it got crowed very quickly.  Faetra and I were chatting just to look up and watch a young boy (around 6, I think) crowd you and then push you into the water. You got out rather quickly and looked around mildly confused.  I wasn't sure if you were going to cry or push him in.  It was a cold day and you got soaked to your knees. We went to the bathroom and put you under the hand dryer. You went shoeless around Brooklyn for the rest of the day. Then proceeded to the bar to dry you off.  You have been talking about the boy who pushed you off the lilly pad for days now.

You have been spending a lot of time in my bed lately.  Its regression at its finest.  Sometimes you ask me in your sweetest voice if we can have a sleep over in your bed.  Which I know I should say no but sometimes I give in.  If I put my foot down you usually end up padding your way to my door around 1am or so.  Or there was the one time when you went into Gammy's room and got her because I told you to stay in your bed. I know its bad. And I am fully aware, it is a problem with me and not with you.  I am 100% positive that if I stuck to my guns and stood my ground, you would be in your bed from 8-8.  I just can't resist your cuteness. Especially, that sleepy, warm and comfy snuggle fest that happens around 3am. You are so angelic when you are sleeping peacefully.  I don't think I could ever kick you out of my bed.  And definitely not when you walk in saying "Momma, I missed you."

I love you everyday.