Saturday, December 29, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
58 Months
My Guy,
You have become quite a little social butterfly. You have always been very social but you seem to have more invested lately. Like you understand the reason we are social people, to make and create friendships. After all our renovations stopped, Jen came over and I asked you if you wanted to come out to dinner with us. You responded, "I'd love too!" You like to tell stories and get upset when adults brush you off. When I was writing out Christmas cards you asked why. I told you we send cards to friends and family that we can't be with to show them that we are thinking of them. You insisted that you send them out to all of your friends too. You sat and filled out cards to every kid in your class. Signed your name to every one. The dedication!
Your school normally does a big Thanksgiving play but since you were out of school for weeks, they canceled it. All the parents were very disappointed so they improvised a small one instead. You sang songs about turkeys and feasting, dressed like pilgrims and indians. It was all very cute. But I doubted very much what you actually learned from it. When I asked you about Columbus Day (when you were learning about that) you told me "He sailed to a new world. He met some Indians and took them home to clean." When I pressed you for more information you said you couldn't remember. So I'm not really sure the real meaning of Thanksgiving got through this year. But I guess you have to start somewhere. I think next year we'll send out thank you notes for nothing maybe that will help.
Jen was going to the Museum of Natural History and I invited us along. Funny enough, we only ended up meeting at a bar. Typical. It was amazing having a date with you after spending so much time running around with house errands. I had forgotten how much genuine fun I have with you when I am not worried about a million other things. Our first trip to the museum was kind of a mess. You actually thought we were blasting into space at the Planetarium and was very concerned that we would never be able to get home. You were kind of distracted after that, understandably. This time you were genuinely interested. You were asking questions about the dinosaurs and had an agenda of which exhibits you wanted to see next. You loved things (like the totem poles) that I never thought you would. Best part was after we were exhausted and sick of walking, we met Jen and friend at a bar, dumped legos on the table and laughed for a few more hours. You really are the best date.
I am really excited about our move but a little apprehensive too. I know it is going to be a change, an adjustment for all of us, and I know what to expect from me but I'm not quite sure what to expect from you. I'm worried that you are going to be lonely with just me. When I cook dinner, you play with Gammy. She is so patient with you, in a way that I just can't be. That I just don't have. I'm not saying that I have a short fuse but she seems to have this endless patience that never needs a break. And Pa plays with you every night before bed. You have epic light saber battles and play heros in lego city. The other night I asked you to pick out a snack and you responded with "Can you bring us some Oreos? We're in the batcave. We're under attack!" He gets so involved with you and plays with you in a way that I am unable. We all have our strong points and I don't want you to feel torn away from any of that. I know that it is time for us to move out. But the last 5 years have worked. You are the amazing person you are because of this home that we have had for the past 5 years. Because of all the love, devotion, and attention you receive. Our new home has just as much potential but I will be sad to leave. Good thing we can aways drive 10 mins and be back.
I love you everyday,
You have become quite a little social butterfly. You have always been very social but you seem to have more invested lately. Like you understand the reason we are social people, to make and create friendships. After all our renovations stopped, Jen came over and I asked you if you wanted to come out to dinner with us. You responded, "I'd love too!" You like to tell stories and get upset when adults brush you off. When I was writing out Christmas cards you asked why. I told you we send cards to friends and family that we can't be with to show them that we are thinking of them. You insisted that you send them out to all of your friends too. You sat and filled out cards to every kid in your class. Signed your name to every one. The dedication!
Pa playing with you in his Pa way. |
I love you everyday,
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
57 Months
Yes, I'm late with your letter. Like really late. I am blaming that we were out of power for 7 days and out of school for 2 weeks. Truth is, we have been crazy busy and you are a complete technology hog. As soon as I pick up my phone, you would like to play a game. Or watch a TV show as soon as I get the remote. If you have my phone and I have my iPad then you want to trade. Its actually kind of amusing. And I have been working so much that if I'm not making an effort to go out and see some friends, I'm sleeping. Its one or the other.
Everyday when I pick you up from school you ask what is on our to-do-list. I rattle off a list of places and you usually accept your fate or add a few places of your own. Or re-arrange the order in which we do them in. (Let's go to the deli first, then home, then the new house, then Home Depot and then maybe a toy store?) A testament to our very busy lives. The other day when I rattled off 4 places, you just sighed. Then 5 minutes into the drive you say, "I don't really feel like myself today."
"Yeah, Bud? Who do you feel like?"
"I fee like you. Just running and running. Can't we just relax?"
I decided the best plan of action was to go play Legos. Everything else could wait.
Hurricane Sandy left us without power for 7 days and out of school for 2 weeks. I am not complaining. I know a lot of people that lost everything. We had it easy. We played lots of CandyLand and R2D2 Operation. We watched some movies on my iPad when it wasn't charging in the car. We raked leaves and walked around the block. One day we went to the new house, so I could spackle with a headlamp. We spent time at the one library that actually had power, along with 1200 other people. We read. Played lots and lots of Legos. It was refreshing to have a little of a break after running around like crazy for days. But I always had the knowledge in the back of my head that the first second the lights turned on, all hell was going to break loose. Laundry! Dishes! Power Tools! Internet! The new house got power before we need. I packed our laundry and got to work. Back to the grind.
Halloween landed smack in the middle of the week. You have wanted to be R2-D2 for ages. Even wanted me to be C3P0. (Gold sweatsuits are NON-EXISTANT. I was totally game.) We have done Star Wars halloween for 2 years already. I had bought a white pop-up laundry basket for your body then didn't really do much more. Without a sewing machine, Gammy had to do her best with duct tape. I was definitely slacking this year. We got together with cousin William and did the rounds with some other neighborhood kids. It was only like 2pm, but without lights, I was nervous it would be a little scary if we went later. Every house that was game; that didn't wait till the Halloween reschedule, that had time to shop for candy before the gas shortage, that thought to buy something 4 days after the power went out; there were people on there front stoops or porches. Their doors were open and the streets were filled with kids and adults alike. There was nothing else to do, might as well trick-or-treat.
You have been getting a little jealous about the house and how much time I have been putting into it. The other day I was telling you about how you are always my number one. That you are always on the top of my list. You scrunched up your fists and lowered you voice saying, "Except for the day you had to look for tile!" And your right. Of course I didn't tell you that. It is a hard lesson to learn. Especially for you that has had my full attention for years. It has been your first true experience with sharing my attention for any length of time. Its hard. Its hard for me too. It might seem hard to understand that I need to work when you want to play. Or I need to spend money on the house when you want to spend it on toys. But please understand, if not now then later, that everything I do is for you. Is for us. Is to give us the best possible life imaginable. You are my whole world.
I love you everyday,
Yes, I'm late with your letter. Like really late. I am blaming that we were out of power for 7 days and out of school for 2 weeks. Truth is, we have been crazy busy and you are a complete technology hog. As soon as I pick up my phone, you would like to play a game. Or watch a TV show as soon as I get the remote. If you have my phone and I have my iPad then you want to trade. Its actually kind of amusing. And I have been working so much that if I'm not making an effort to go out and see some friends, I'm sleeping. Its one or the other.
"Yeah, Bud? Who do you feel like?"
"I fee like you. Just running and running. Can't we just relax?"
I decided the best plan of action was to go play Legos. Everything else could wait.
Hurricane Sandy left us without power for 7 days and out of school for 2 weeks. I am not complaining. I know a lot of people that lost everything. We had it easy. We played lots of CandyLand and R2D2 Operation. We watched some movies on my iPad when it wasn't charging in the car. We raked leaves and walked around the block. One day we went to the new house, so I could spackle with a headlamp. We spent time at the one library that actually had power, along with 1200 other people. We read. Played lots and lots of Legos. It was refreshing to have a little of a break after running around like crazy for days. But I always had the knowledge in the back of my head that the first second the lights turned on, all hell was going to break loose. Laundry! Dishes! Power Tools! Internet! The new house got power before we need. I packed our laundry and got to work. Back to the grind.
You have been getting a little jealous about the house and how much time I have been putting into it. The other day I was telling you about how you are always my number one. That you are always on the top of my list. You scrunched up your fists and lowered you voice saying, "Except for the day you had to look for tile!" And your right. Of course I didn't tell you that. It is a hard lesson to learn. Especially for you that has had my full attention for years. It has been your first true experience with sharing my attention for any length of time. Its hard. Its hard for me too. It might seem hard to understand that I need to work when you want to play. Or I need to spend money on the house when you want to spend it on toys. But please understand, if not now then later, that everything I do is for you. Is for us. Is to give us the best possible life imaginable. You are my whole world.
I love you everyday,
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sandy, That Bitch.
Here are some pictures during and after Hurricane Sandy. This is part of our local playground. This was before the hurricane even hit. High tide around noon when she was making landfall later in the evening.
At around 11pm, Dad and I walked down the end of our block. It was supposed to be the worst part of the storm. The sound the trees made were unreal. You expect for trees to come uprooted by storms. But there were huge trees that just snapped. Our flashlights caught a glare where the road should have been and I couldn't understand what I was seeing. "Dad, I think thats a boat?" It took him a while to believe me because we couldn't get very close. The next morning we walked down. Yes, it was a boat. A boat appropriately called Tip-Sea.
I can't complain about our lack of power. We had a lot of candles. We made due with Candyland, lanterns and candles. I drank lots of wine and cooked all the food in the freezer on our gas stove that was remarkably still working. It was actually kind of nice.
This is one of the main road into our town that got partially washed away. They are trying to open it back up in July. Until then its the long way out of town.
One of the most shocking pictures I've seen. (Taken by a friend). This is Long Beach. Wyatt and I have walked down this street hundreds of times. It is going to take a while but it will be back and stronger then ever.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Beep Boop
That's his robot face! |
Wyatt asked to be R2-D2 for Halloween. Gammy made most of his costume because I have been pre-occupied with the house renovations. Then we lost power for a few days so finishing touches left him a very home-made. Wyatt LOVED it. Like thought it was the best costume ever. Best part was instead of "Thank you" he would tell everyone "May the force be with you." More on trick-or-treating sans electricity coming soon...
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
56 Months
I am smiling already starting to write your letter. Its not that this month has been any different then any other month. Its just that we have been having such a great time together. You have been, we have been, so happy. I'm not saying that we don't fight; because we do. There are some days when I get annoyed at my own voice saying your name a million times. And other days where I think that if I hear you say Momma one more time my head is going to explode. But for the most part we have been very in sync. I think part of it is because I have been taking a little more me time. Last Sunday, I sat on Uncle Mike's couch, by the fire, with a beer in my hand, watching terrible TV. It was just so nice to not be needed for three seconds. Just to sit and be still. I have found that when I get those moments, it makes me so much more engaged and excited to see you. I can't wait to dote on you in the morning. It is a hard lesson to learn because there is that part of me that feels guilty; that I am a bad mother because I need some time away from you. But I have learned that I am a better mother because I have taken that time for myself.
I made the awful mistake of letting you rent a Lego Star Wars computer game from the library. Which then we needed to buy because you loved it so much. I was really hoping that we wouldn't get into this boy phase for a while yet. You have been playing it a lot but its still new. I try to limit it to a level a day. It is the first thing you talk about when you get up in the morning. And you remember EVERYTHING. Most of the time I have no idea what you're talking about. You go through these phases of things that you are obsessed with, this computer game is the newest phase. I have to sit and play it with you which I will do because you have been such a great helper with the house. But I have to tap out eventually. It stresses me out. My OCD wants to complete everything and I have to keep reminding myself that you just like to run around and use the force. I'd like to think that you are learning to problem solve or something. There has to be something positive.
You had your first field trip (parents invited) to Bailey Arboretum. I had such a great time watching you play with your friends. But the best part was taking a nature walk and spotting our new house across the pond. I pulled you over to me and showed you what I was seeing. You looked at me with such excitement, such pride. "Its our new house, Momma. Its going to be our new house!" Then you ran to your friends and teachers to tell them. They were all asking you questions and you were telling everyone about our renovation adventures. You are using a screw gun!! The most exciting thing ever!! You said "It's not really our kitchen, but Momma is making it our kitchen." I love that you are as excited as I am. I love that you want to help and make things "ours". I love that you ask to go there. I'm feeling really good about it all.
After your first goal in soccer, something just clicked in your head. It was cool to watch. You were doing your normal running with a flair; looking at your feet, jazz hands flying, singing a little song and then the ball was in front of you. We started screaming. You raced down the field. Pa, the cousin clan, Uncle Mike, Joanna and I were all watching from the side lines. Once you scored we all jumped up yelling. You did a victory dance. That game you went on to score 10 more goals (you say it was 80 hundred goals). You looked to us every time you scored to watch for us cheering. At one point, it was you against 4 other kids because your team mates needed a break. You kept stealing the ball and running it down. It just clicked. For that game only because the next game you only scored one and that was just by sheer luck. You'd rather run with flair. I love watching you play and honestly, it such a good laugh. Video next. Lots of video.
I don't remember how it started but every once and a while I start going "Ring, Ring" and keep on ringing until you pick up. It usually takes you a while because it makes you giggle so much. But, finally, after you answer, I start singing "I just called to say I love you." You think this is hysterical. Then the other day in the car you did it to me. "Ring, ring."
"Oh Hello Wyatt!"
"I just called to say I love you." You pause, "Ring, ring."
"I just called to say I want to play Star Wars. I just called to say you are my friend."
We crack each other up. Your giggling can make any day brighter.
I love you everyday,
Picture Day! |
I am smiling already starting to write your letter. Its not that this month has been any different then any other month. Its just that we have been having such a great time together. You have been, we have been, so happy. I'm not saying that we don't fight; because we do. There are some days when I get annoyed at my own voice saying your name a million times. And other days where I think that if I hear you say Momma one more time my head is going to explode. But for the most part we have been very in sync. I think part of it is because I have been taking a little more me time. Last Sunday, I sat on Uncle Mike's couch, by the fire, with a beer in my hand, watching terrible TV. It was just so nice to not be needed for three seconds. Just to sit and be still. I have found that when I get those moments, it makes me so much more engaged and excited to see you. I can't wait to dote on you in the morning. It is a hard lesson to learn because there is that part of me that feels guilty; that I am a bad mother because I need some time away from you. But I have learned that I am a better mother because I have taken that time for myself.
You had your first field trip (parents invited) to Bailey Arboretum. I had such a great time watching you play with your friends. But the best part was taking a nature walk and spotting our new house across the pond. I pulled you over to me and showed you what I was seeing. You looked at me with such excitement, such pride. "Its our new house, Momma. Its going to be our new house!" Then you ran to your friends and teachers to tell them. They were all asking you questions and you were telling everyone about our renovation adventures. You are using a screw gun!! The most exciting thing ever!! You said "It's not really our kitchen, but Momma is making it our kitchen." I love that you are as excited as I am. I love that you want to help and make things "ours". I love that you ask to go there. I'm feeling really good about it all.
I don't remember how it started but every once and a while I start going "Ring, Ring" and keep on ringing until you pick up. It usually takes you a while because it makes you giggle so much. But, finally, after you answer, I start singing "I just called to say I love you." You think this is hysterical. Then the other day in the car you did it to me. "Ring, ring."
"Oh Hello Wyatt!"
"I just called to say I love you." You pause, "Ring, ring."
"I just called to say I want to play Star Wars. I just called to say you are my friend."
We crack each other up. Your giggling can make any day brighter.
I love you everyday,
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Summer of Yes
Sometime around May, I started feeling fairly stagnant. This happens to me every once and a while. And when it does, I seem to go in 12 directions at once. I want to buy a house one day. A new car the next. Then I'm going back to school. Or planning trips around the world. But everything I think of seems like a rash decision to make. I can't decide which direction to go in. So I end up doing nothing besides a lot of late night online shopping. (Mom always knows when I fall into one of these funks because boxes and packages magically appear at our doorstep. Wyatt loves this. My bank account; not so much.) So, when it happened again this year (with the help of my therapist) I came up with a different plan.
I like to call it the "Summer of Yes". The premise was to say Yes to every opportunity that came our way. Whether it sounded silly, or boring, or uncomfortable, or something I wouldn't normally do. Just say Yes. To all the little things and see what fun, engaging, new and exciting places Wyatt and I could find ourselves in. Obviously, I tried not to say Yes to things that would get me arrested or give me the clap but I tried to get right to the edge. Here are some of the things we said Yes to:
A walk around Shu Swamp with some older members of my congregation. Specifically a group called the Winter Weezers. We were the youngest by decades. When they got lost, Wyatt lead them to safety. There are only like two trails. It was hysterical.
I went on a singles wine tour with Jen and 2 other girls. There was one guy amongst about 35 girls. We had a blast.
I said Yes to finally getting my teeth fixed. This was HUGE for me. I have been wanted to get them fixed since college but could never find the time or justify the money. Finally, I decided that if I had actually said yes when I first wanted to it would have been done already and not still lingering stubbornly on my to-do-list. So I shopped around for orthodontists. And pitted them against one another. And negotiated the shit out of them. And finally found something slightly above reasonable. Progress.
I said yes to an ex-boyfriend that I probably shouldn't have BUT I did get to go to my first country concert that was absolutely amazing. My therapist would want me to point out that the entire experience taught me some things about myself. There is no regret, just learning for next time. So it guess its still a positive.
I finally refinished a dresser that has been down in my basement for three years. It came out really nice. Everyone in the family is fighting for it already. I actually impressed myself on this one.
I took Wyatt and I to California on a whim. It was an amazing trip and I am so glad we did it.
I have been carving out extra time in my life for my friends. This has meant a random night out with Brianne and Jessica during a monsoon (because when's a better time to drive to a bar!) Going to Newsies on Broadway with Rebecca then saying Yes to too much wine afterwards meaning mid-week city sleepover. Agreeing to elope with some cute guy - then thinking better of it in the morning. (Pretty sure that was the right choice. About 50/50.) Getting 10:30pm calls to go out, changing out of my PJ's and staying out until 3am. Meeting Lizzy at Walls way too much. Actually pulling an all-nighter in Long Beach and not getting home until 1pm the next day (it took me a week to recover from that!) And plenty of times celebrating Mike and Joanna's new house. (You got cable! Sure, I'll bring beer!) It has resulted in a lot of hungover mornings and babysitting nights for my mom but its been a shit load of fun.
I signed up for yoga at the library. 10 classes for $25. Seriously people, what's to think about? It was my first time doing group exercise. I was nervous. Then I noticed the median age is about 63. During stretching, I try not to show off.
I bought a groupon for horseback riding lessons. Haven't cashed in on that one yet but I am very much looking forward to going this fall.
And I think the biggest one: Nana asked if Wyatt and I would like to move into her house. There was a resounding YES!! Wyatt and I will be less then 5 miles from my parents and Nana and Grandpa will stay in my old room when they visit from Florida. Its bittersweet because we won't see them as much. But Wyatt and I are so excited (and ready) for our own place. We just started doing some renovations. I don't want to give much away because I want Nana and Grandpa to be surprised when they come home for Christmas but there will be plenty of before/after pictures when we're done. When I asked Wyatt today what he wanted to do after school he said, "Mom, let's go work on our house."
Overall, I think my experiment has worked out pretty well. I am planning on extending my Summer of Yes into a Lifetime of Yes. I think what the whole thing taught me was I tend to nix an idea before I have really thought it through. Everyone does. I can't do that because I have work, or its too late, or I'm too tired. Yes, but.... throw it out. Its garbage. Say Yes, people. Trust me. Its been a fucking great summer.
A walk around Shu Swamp with some older members of my congregation. Specifically a group called the Winter Weezers. We were the youngest by decades. When they got lost, Wyatt lead them to safety. There are only like two trails. It was hysterical.
Yes, it was a hot pink limo! |
I said Yes to finally getting my teeth fixed. This was HUGE for me. I have been wanted to get them fixed since college but could never find the time or justify the money. Finally, I decided that if I had actually said yes when I first wanted to it would have been done already and not still lingering stubbornly on my to-do-list. So I shopped around for orthodontists. And pitted them against one another. And negotiated the shit out of them. And finally found something slightly above reasonable. Progress.
I said yes to an ex-boyfriend that I probably shouldn't have BUT I did get to go to my first country concert that was absolutely amazing. My therapist would want me to point out that the entire experience taught me some things about myself. There is no regret, just learning for next time. So it guess its still a positive.
Before |
After |
I finally refinished a dresser that has been down in my basement for three years. It came out really nice. Everyone in the family is fighting for it already. I actually impressed myself on this one.
I took Wyatt and I to California on a whim. It was an amazing trip and I am so glad we did it.
I have been carving out extra time in my life for my friends. This has meant a random night out with Brianne and Jessica during a monsoon (because when's a better time to drive to a bar!) Going to Newsies on Broadway with Rebecca then saying Yes to too much wine afterwards meaning mid-week city sleepover. Agreeing to elope with some cute guy - then thinking better of it in the morning. (Pretty sure that was the right choice. About 50/50.) Getting 10:30pm calls to go out, changing out of my PJ's and staying out until 3am. Meeting Lizzy at Walls way too much. Actually pulling an all-nighter in Long Beach and not getting home until 1pm the next day (it took me a week to recover from that!) And plenty of times celebrating Mike and Joanna's new house. (You got cable! Sure, I'll bring beer!) It has resulted in a lot of hungover mornings and babysitting nights for my mom but its been a shit load of fun.
I signed up for yoga at the library. 10 classes for $25. Seriously people, what's to think about? It was my first time doing group exercise. I was nervous. Then I noticed the median age is about 63. During stretching, I try not to show off.
I bought a groupon for horseback riding lessons. Haven't cashed in on that one yet but I am very much looking forward to going this fall.
Overall, I think my experiment has worked out pretty well. I am planning on extending my Summer of Yes into a Lifetime of Yes. I think what the whole thing taught me was I tend to nix an idea before I have really thought it through. Everyone does. I can't do that because I have work, or its too late, or I'm too tired. Yes, but.... throw it out. Its garbage. Say Yes, people. Trust me. Its been a fucking great summer.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Our trip to the Dominican got canceled when Lizzy got hospitalized for a bout of enflamed intestines (whatever the hell that means). Lizzy was in a lot of pain for days. Probably something one shouldn't have in a third world country. We are planning on rescheduling our trip; I'm not sure when. Needless to say, we were all pretty bummed. It was a the right choice to stay home. But we were all depressed. In an effort of cheer us up, I called my friend Eric who just started his own sailing company; Narwal Yacht Charters. He was generous to fit us in so last minute and we look a lovely sail around Manhattan at sunset. The pictures really say it all:

Seriously! Could this be anymore beautiful?! I don't this view could ever get old.
My little sailor with his Gammy. I thought Wyatt was going to get seasick even though he has been on boats before. At one point he turned very green and asked to go in the cabin. I distracted him and he was back to his joyous self in no time.
I love this picture. Love, love.
The official old man of the sea. He has salt water in his veins.
Eric let me take the boat for a spin. I miss sailing so much! I am so grateful for the wonderful memories with my family, to Eric for showing us an excellent day, and for the spirit of vacation that lives on his boat. It wasn't the Dominican but it wasn't half bad either.
Monday, September 10, 2012
55 Months
Another summer gone. Another school year started. It all started so quickly this year. School, soccer, story time. I feel like I am still stuck in February. You have asked to take piano lessons too. Maybe in the winter. I'm not sure you know what a piano is but you do like to make up songs so I think it is a good choice to get you musically involved now. I think you were ready for school. You seemed to be getting a little bored of staying home with me. Never bored with playing Legos. Just bored staying home. Maybe it is just the lack of kids. The first day back was an orientation day so I got to stay with you. You turned to me and said, "You can go now I'm fine." I responded, "Well Bud, thats not how today works. Tomorrow I'll stay home." You looked exasperated when you said, "I have more fun when you're not here." I'd rather have that then a clinger.
We went on a date the other night. I asked you if we could go out to dinner just the two of us. You said it was ok, but only if we got pancakes. So, we got pancakes. Then we took a walk through the park and to the playground. You held my hand the entire time. When you asked why people hold hands on dates, I told you that it is a way to show how much you like the other person. You said "Well, I love you a whole lot. Should we hold both hands?" So we held both hands. Then we walked to get ice cream. When we got home you said, "Mom, do you know what comes next on a date? A sleepover!" I'm not quite sure where you learned that from. But I told you that you were right and we had a sleepover in Momma's big bed for the night. It was the best date that I have been on in a long time.
Pa took you to your first fall soccer game since Gammy and I had to work. Of course, you ended up scoring a goal. Pa said that you were on the other side of the field and the coach threw the ball back into play right by you. Pa starting screaming for you to get the ball and you finally did. Running it to the goal. It was the first thing you told me when I saw you. "Mom!! The ball went right into the goal. I got a goal!" You were so proud. It is the best thing watching that proud smile go ear to ear.
You have moved on a little from Super Heros, although you still want a Super Hero room. Pa DVR'd Star Wars (I think the last one from the 60's) for you and that is your new love. I thought you would be scared but you tell me it is only a pretend movie. I find the lightsabering (you call it a Light Saver. Its kind of adorable) a little concerning but you don't seem to be doing it in school. I don't play these games with you. I didn't even realize the extent of what you play or how you play until I was home with you and Pa. I wondered into the living room to find this:
The poor quality is due to my uncontrollable laughter. I had no idea that you were actually battling! But of course, I had to join in on a few occasions. Usually when I do, it ends up being you and Pa battling me. You and Pa are best friends.
You have been very carefree with your "I love you's" lately. I'll be making lunch and you will call me into the den just to tell me you love me. Or when we are driving in the car. On our lobster night you said "this is the life for me!" On a beach day at Jen's you proclaimed "this is the best day ever!" I wish that I could have half of your enthusiasm. Your innocence. Your extreme love for everyone and everything. Watching you fills me almost to bursting. Your joy is infectious.
I will always love you. Everyday.
Another summer gone. Another school year started. It all started so quickly this year. School, soccer, story time. I feel like I am still stuck in February. You have asked to take piano lessons too. Maybe in the winter. I'm not sure you know what a piano is but you do like to make up songs so I think it is a good choice to get you musically involved now. I think you were ready for school. You seemed to be getting a little bored of staying home with me. Never bored with playing Legos. Just bored staying home. Maybe it is just the lack of kids. The first day back was an orientation day so I got to stay with you. You turned to me and said, "You can go now I'm fine." I responded, "Well Bud, thats not how today works. Tomorrow I'll stay home." You looked exasperated when you said, "I have more fun when you're not here." I'd rather have that then a clinger.
Pa took you to your first fall soccer game since Gammy and I had to work. Of course, you ended up scoring a goal. Pa said that you were on the other side of the field and the coach threw the ball back into play right by you. Pa starting screaming for you to get the ball and you finally did. Running it to the goal. It was the first thing you told me when I saw you. "Mom!! The ball went right into the goal. I got a goal!" You were so proud. It is the best thing watching that proud smile go ear to ear.
You have moved on a little from Super Heros, although you still want a Super Hero room. Pa DVR'd Star Wars (I think the last one from the 60's) for you and that is your new love. I thought you would be scared but you tell me it is only a pretend movie. I find the lightsabering (you call it a Light Saver. Its kind of adorable) a little concerning but you don't seem to be doing it in school. I don't play these games with you. I didn't even realize the extent of what you play or how you play until I was home with you and Pa. I wondered into the living room to find this:
You have been very carefree with your "I love you's" lately. I'll be making lunch and you will call me into the den just to tell me you love me. Or when we are driving in the car. On our lobster night you said "this is the life for me!" On a beach day at Jen's you proclaimed "this is the best day ever!" I wish that I could have half of your enthusiasm. Your innocence. Your extreme love for everyone and everything. Watching you fills me almost to bursting. Your joy is infectious.
I will always love you. Everyday.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Lobster Disco Party Tonight
I promise posts are coming. In the mean time, Wyatt's singing debut "Lobster Disco Party Tonight". Don't worry. Most of the time I couldn't understand him either. But its still hysterical. And sure to impress the ladies when he is 18. If only I had Lizzy's "Blackbird" song. It would be a classic by now.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
54 Months
Clearly, I am still on vacation time and with another vacation looming it is going to get worse before it gets better. And I am reading the Game of Thrones series, which is long, time consuming, and addicting. Many a night this week, I have stayed up way past when I should reading by the dimmed light of my new iPad. Or Kindle, as you call it. You think it is yours. I have to keep reminding you that it is not. Although it has changed my world a little bit. I am confident that I can bring you to work with me now and get a good 3 hours in before you hit your limit of patience. What you watch on YouTube is questionable but parental blocks have been placed so I am not that worried. There is just a lot of weird shit on YouTube. Well, there's always Angry Birds.
Moving on. Moving on. You say that to people when you don't like the topic of conversation. We will be chatting at dinner and if the topic bores you or doesn't involve some talk of Legos, you will interrupt, "Moving on for Momma. Moving on for Momma." Specifically at the person that you are taking offense. Effective, yes. Yet maybe slightly rude.
You finished swim lessons and you still don't know how to swim. You THINK you know how to swim and you try REALLY hard but just haven't quite gotten there yet. You can do it. I've seen you do it for a little while but then you seem to forget that you have to keep moving to stay afloat. Then you sink. You get distracted by the story your telling or the people swimming with you or the sun in the sky. You just forget to keep moving. The few times it has happened in a pool, I have been right there and at the beach you have been able to put your feet down. I am sure if I took you to a pool for a week straight you would could do it but so far I have yet to check it off on our summer to-do list. I haven't been able to check off ride a bike without training wheels but I haven't really pushed. You are still kinda young.
You and Pa watched a show on inventions the other night and now you are obsessed with creating inventions. Especially at bedtime, we both need to think of two inventions before you will surrender to sleep. Sometimes your inventions don't make much sense or already exist but you don't know that they do. But you do come up with some gems. There was a white glove that whatever you touched your hand stayed clean. You even told me that I could pick up dog poop with it and the glove would still be white. "Isn't that interesting?!" Or the zapper that surrounds your food and zaps the dogs if they try to eat it. Or the TV that you can tell what show you want and it will put it on. So you don't even need the remote! I really never know what you are going to come up with next. But its always pretty interesting.
We have been having a slight adjustment period after coming home from California. We just seem to be bumping stubborn heads more often then not lately. You are very stubborn; I am very stubborn. Sometimes it just doesn't end well. There seems to be some more back-talking as well. I guess I can call it that. I'm not sure. If I ask you to do something and we end up fighting about it, you will start telling me that "You're arguing. Stop arguing." I'm not really sure how to respond to that. Honestly, I really think you just don't like sharing me and its the end of the summer. Gammy says that at the end of the summer kid always behave terribly because they are getting bored. When we are at home, I feel like we are always on the go. There is a limited number of hours that I can play Lego's with you. I have a life at home. I go out. I work. In California, you had me all to yourself without any interruptions. I think you are having a hard time adjusting in my "in a minutes". Well, you will get me back for another 5 days when we go to the Dominican Republic on the 16th. You better not let the dinosaur loose on my sand castle again. The world might get in the way sometimes but I still will always love you too much. (That's what you say to me when we play the "I love you more" game.)
I love you everyday,
My supreme traveler. |
Moving on. Moving on. You say that to people when you don't like the topic of conversation. We will be chatting at dinner and if the topic bores you or doesn't involve some talk of Legos, you will interrupt, "Moving on for Momma. Moving on for Momma." Specifically at the person that you are taking offense. Effective, yes. Yet maybe slightly rude.
You finished swim lessons and you still don't know how to swim. You THINK you know how to swim and you try REALLY hard but just haven't quite gotten there yet. You can do it. I've seen you do it for a little while but then you seem to forget that you have to keep moving to stay afloat. Then you sink. You get distracted by the story your telling or the people swimming with you or the sun in the sky. You just forget to keep moving. The few times it has happened in a pool, I have been right there and at the beach you have been able to put your feet down. I am sure if I took you to a pool for a week straight you would could do it but so far I have yet to check it off on our summer to-do list. I haven't been able to check off ride a bike without training wheels but I haven't really pushed. You are still kinda young.
You and Pa watched a show on inventions the other night and now you are obsessed with creating inventions. Especially at bedtime, we both need to think of two inventions before you will surrender to sleep. Sometimes your inventions don't make much sense or already exist but you don't know that they do. But you do come up with some gems. There was a white glove that whatever you touched your hand stayed clean. You even told me that I could pick up dog poop with it and the glove would still be white. "Isn't that interesting?!" Or the zapper that surrounds your food and zaps the dogs if they try to eat it. Or the TV that you can tell what show you want and it will put it on. So you don't even need the remote! I really never know what you are going to come up with next. But its always pretty interesting.
I love you everyday,
Friday, August 10, 2012
Disney = Magic
Sleeping Beauty's castle in California is not as impressive as Cinderella in Florida. Clearly, someone married the wrong prince.
Wyatt insisted on going to this Jedi Training show. They pick kids out of the audience, dress them up, teach them a light saber move. Seemed innocent enough. Wyatt didn't get picked. He was upset but then 1/2 way through the show full costumed Darth Vader and Darth Maul showed up. They made the kids, one by one, go up and "fight" them. Some of these kids were terrified. Wyatt looked pretty happy that he didn't get picked after that and was quite content with his R2D2 cup.
If anyone is going to DisneyLand, I highly recommend this World of Color show. It was fan-tastic. There was music, lights, dancing water, fire. Classic Disney. Classic awesome. And even better was we got damn good seats at an outdoor patio bar.
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