I was finishing up Wyatt's bath and mentioned that I was going out.
"You're going out to dinner?"
"Yes. I am late. So, lets hurry up."
"Am I coming?"
"Not this time bud." I was expecting for him to be a little upset, instead he starts smiling.
"Thank you! Thank you!"
"Thank you?"
"There are no rules with Gammy and Pa!"
"No rules, huh." I asked Gammy about this once we got out and she promptly shushed Wyatt and told him that he was getting her in trouble.

Gammy was trying to get Wyatt ready in the morning. (He is a BEAR in the morning. It is a constant battle trying to get ready by 8:45).
"Wyatt, what do you think you want to wear today?"
"My sexy green shirt." And runs out of the room to get get it. Gammy and I just look at each other. Where that came from, I still don't know.
I was cleaning with some music on. Wyatt runs into me asking "Mom? What's this windy song? It sounds like Dada." I promptly text Terry and ask him if he listened to the song with Wyatt in the car. Terry had never heard of it before. It was Winter Winds by Mumford & Sons. Weird, right?
Wyatt had an audition/interview in the city. The last one he went on didn't go so well. They asked him to go in by himself and he didn't want to. Of course, I didn't push him. Well, this time I had told him what was going on and he thought it would be "ok". He was great. Walks right in and when I got to him, he was Mr. Chatty schmoozing all the lady assistants. After we left I asked him what happened and told him how proud I was of him. He goes "I brought my manners this time. Last time I left them at home."

We were crossing the parking lot at the grocery store and he didn't want to hold my hand. I kept grabbing down at him; telling him he needed to be careful and that I didn't want him to get hurt.
"Wyatt, I would be very upset if something happened to you."
"If I got rund over, you can grow a new Wyatt."
"Bud, I could never grow another you! You are the only person that is exactly you."
"But you can grow me a brother."
"Not right this second. But eventually. Hopefully someday."
Wyatt just finished using the toliet. "Hey, bud. Maybe it is time to learn how to wipe your own butt. Let me teach you. You're a big boy now." After the tutoring was finished, (which was really weird. Like really weird.) Wyatt goes "Now I know! I can wipe your butt next time!" Ummmm, no.
Wyatt and I are always striking deals. If you eat one more bite you, can play for another 3 minutes. Brush your teeth, then you can watch a little show. Eat lunch, then you can have some chocolate. I guess I always preface the ultimatum with "So here's the deal." Wyatt eventually caught on. Now, when I tell him a deal that he doesn't like so much he responds with "Well, that's not MY deal."