You have been such a happy boy lately. Yes, you are always a happy, go-lucky kind of kid but you've been totally amped up happy lately. I can't really put my finger on why. Gammy thinks it is because I have been so happy lately. I can't put my finger on why I have been so happy lately. Things are just looking up I guess. I am checking things off our to-do-list and that's always a good feeling. The weather's nice? Point is: I found you dancing in the den the other day. By yourself. With no music on. You were dancing to the music in your head. And it was happy. So, I decided to dance with you. We are no music dancing happy people.
You both look grumpy and its old. But it is Aunt Wizzie's 21st today. Happy Birthday!! |
So with all your happiness and your amazing imagination, the other night I wasn't very surprise when you came up with an imaginary friend Ambus. Or his nickname Davis. Its the same person. He just has a nickname, you explained. You held Ambus/Davis's hand going upstairs to bed. Ambus/Davis picked out books that you would never have picked out. Ambus/Davis talked all about his High's and Low's for the day, something that you are becoming short and impatient with. Most nights when I ask you say "I'm already asleep" and then pretend to snore. Ambus/Davis hasn't made another appearance since that night but I'm kinda hoping he will. Some days you are very talkative and others you insist that you "don't remember." But I'll get little details throughout the day. Ambus/Davis kept on talking and talking and not just about super hero stuff!

Ah, the super hero phase. Yes we have definitely entered into it and I definitely don't know how I feel about it. It started with Max at school liking Spiderman. You played Spiderman at the playground, shooting webs at each other but not understanding anymore then that. Then you wanted a Lego Hero Factory guy. (If you don't know what they are, they are build-able hero robots from outer space that protect earth from bad army robots. Boys favorite things all rolled into one. It makes NO sense. Lego are marketing geniuses.) Gammy made the mistake of buying you one. Then I made the mistake of letting you watch the Super Hero Squad Show. Its been down hill ever since. You are very articulate in your Hero imaginings and make up quite elaborate plots which is very adorable. But I have been noticing a little more violence coming out. Not directed at anybody. But your Lego guys will blow up one another. Or you need a bow and arrow for your pretend hero costume. I am torn between being concerned and letting you be a little boy. Karate chopping Hero Factory guys can get a little rough but thats what their for right? As long as you're not karate chopping your friends, I think I'm ok with it.

We said goodbye to Dada this month. He is off on another tour in Afghanistan. We both were at a loss at how to prepare you for this. You are too young to really understand the concept of time, a minute might as well be a month or vice versa. And distance. You think a long, long car ride is when we have to go on the highway, which could be anything over 20 minutes. You have the right words to describe where Dada is but I'm not sure you understand what they mean or why he has left. You say Dada is overseas or he lives in Afghanistan now. When we pass his house you say hi to everyone, including Dada far, far away. You say he is flying his helicopter. But I'm just not sure. We will all just have to ride out the storm.
You finished another year of pre-school. Your teachers totally love you and you are so ready for a more concentrated program. You are going to stay at St. John's in September but will be going 5 days a week. You are so ready. You are so smart but definitely need some work with your numbers and letters. They sent you home with a bunch of pictures throughout the year with your friends. I didn't feel like you grew that much this year. But looking at those pictures you can really see your transformation from toddler into boy. You are changing everyday. It made me kind of teary eyed to think you will only be there for one more year. What am I going to do when I can't peek at you on the playground while I am at work? Because I do. Everyday. You have no idea.
I love you every day,
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