I don't really know where to start. Our trip was amazing. From start to finish. Wyatt was so enchantingly well-behaved with the plane rides, the over stimulation that was numerous theme parks, time changes, and his mothers secret agenda of relaxing. Hayley was so kind to let us occupy her bedroom, fill her home with lucky charms and bacon (for a vegetarian that's pretty drastic), spent hours building elaborate sand castles, and was so game to be dragged to numerous theme parks. Rebecca was, as always, my support system, patiently waiting with Wyatt while I sorted out rental cars, playing endless Legos and generally being the amazing Aunt that she is. Seriously, I didn't want to leave.

Hayley had said that she needed to work on Friday, so Bec and I planned on taking Wyatt to LegoLand. I wasn't sure how Wyatt was going to do with the time difference but I figured he could sleep on the 2 hour drive there and back, which he did. Of course, Hayley couldn't stand to be left out of such a great adventure and decided to come. I have to say, Wyatt was thrilled, however we weren't fooled as much. It is a great theme park just not quite up to par with Disney magic. We did have a really great time and the joy on Wyatt's face was well worth it. We had a disappointing competition with 8 year olds on a fire truck mission. We were fairly confident that we were going to beat the pants off of everyone considering it was 3 adults against children. I still blame our last place loss on a truck malfunction. The water park was fun and we got Wyatt to ride on the pirate log flume. He said he didn't mind that it went fast but he didn't like all the water in his eyes. Hayley lost her underwear and had to go commando for the rest of the trip. Really Hay, in a kids theme park? (Just kidding.) The Lego mini-lands, which were models of well known cities made out of Lego's were pretty impressive and expansive. We also caught this fire fighting show that (I am not sure how it tied into the Lego theme) had this incredibly annoying theme song "Put the wet stuff on the hot stuff" that Wyatt still sings.

We spent a good two days at the beach which was 2 blocks from Hayley's house. Wyatt loves the ocean from all our beach days down at Jen's and we have become quite seasoned. He could stay there all day. Our last day, he got sunburn on his butt crack (literally thee ONE place I didn't put SPF 70) because he was laying on his belly playing in the sand for most of the day. His poor little butt. I still can't quite describe what the ocean does to me. Yes, we live on the water but there is something about the vastness, the crash of the waves, the smell of the salt spray, the feel of soft sand between your toes, that just makes me relax. It feels like home. I am glad that Wyatt loves it as much as I do.
It was also on our second day, when we got back to the house, that Wyatt proclaimed "It smells like old jipsac in here."Of course, none of us knew what he was talking about. And he kept on saying it, determined to get us to understand. Finally he showed a clip of one of his movies to Rebecca. What he was trying to say was "It smells like old gym socks." "See Auntie B. They say gym socks but I like to say jipsac." Yes Wyatt of course you do. I don't know what it is about the word jipsac that makes me instantly crack up. Maybe because it sounds a little dirtier then it should. Or the way it just kind of rolls off the tongue. Either way, it became the running joke and sure fire way to make anyone crack up. We called each other jipsac's all week. Even Wyatt got in on the action with a well timed "It smells like jipsac in here." during a quiet moment in the car. There were silent texts to one another. And "Oh he looks like a jipsac" when we were at the bars. Or a "What is this jipsac?" at the gift shop. Really, it is just so all-purpose. And I swear as soon as Hay and I had a beer in us, Rebecca was the FUNNIEST JIPSAC ON THE PLANET. No joke.

Then the pinnacle of the trip, Disney! Ohh the joy. Ohh the wonder. Ohh the instant happy. How do they do it? Carsland really was pretty magic. They did an excellent job at recreating the Radiator Springs main drag which put you right in the movie. There were only 3 rides but 3 very good rides so I guess its ok. The Cars racers did a re-cap of the entire movie, complete with animated talking cars that were real as hell. It was crazy good. Then there was a little race at the end that wasn't roller coaster, but wasn't a carousal either. Also, did I mention that this park sold beer? When your at Disney for 12 hours straight beer makes it so much better. Wyatt was impressed by Cars but he LOVED Tomorrowland Star Tours and all the Star Wars stuff. He really believed we were in outer-space with 3CPO and he really thought that guy dressed up was Darth Vader. 10 minutes later, he really thought we were in a submarine swimming with Nemo. Everything was so worth it to see his face all lit up. Best. Trip. Ever. Maybe until we go to the Dominican Republic in 2 weeks. Yeah, 30 is starting off real good.