My supreme traveler. |
Clearly, I am still on vacation time and with another vacation looming it is going to get worse before it gets better. And I am reading the Game of Thrones series, which is long, time consuming, and addicting. Many a night this week, I have stayed up way past when I should reading by the dimmed light of my new iPad. Or Kindle, as you call it. You think it is yours. I have to keep reminding you that it is not. Although it has changed my world a little bit. I am confident that I can bring you to work with me now and get a good 3 hours in before you hit your limit of patience. What you watch on YouTube is questionable but parental blocks have been placed so I am not that worried. There is just a lot of weird shit on YouTube. Well, there's always Angry Birds.
Moving on. Moving on. You say that to people when you don't like the topic of conversation. We will be chatting at dinner and if the topic bores you or doesn't involve some talk of Legos, you will interrupt, "Moving on for Momma. Moving on for Momma." Specifically at the person that you are taking offense. Effective, yes. Yet maybe slightly rude.

You finished swim lessons and you still don't know how to swim. You THINK you know how to swim and you try REALLY hard but just haven't quite gotten there yet. You can do it. I've seen you do it for a little while but then you seem to forget that you have to keep moving to stay afloat. Then you sink. You get distracted by the story your telling or the people swimming with you or the sun in the sky. You just forget to keep moving. The few times it has happened in a pool, I have been right there and at the beach you have been able to put your feet down. I am sure if I took you to a pool for a week straight you would could do it but so far I have yet to check it off on our summer to-do list. I haven't been able to check off ride a bike without training wheels but I haven't really pushed. You are still kinda young.
You and Pa watched a show on inventions the other night and now you are obsessed with creating inventions. Especially at bedtime, we both need to think of two inventions before you will surrender to sleep. Sometimes your inventions don't make much sense or already exist but you don't know that they do. But you do come up with some gems. There was a white glove that whatever you touched your hand stayed clean. You even told me that I could pick up dog poop with it and the glove would still be white. "Isn't that interesting?!" Or the zapper that surrounds your food and zaps the dogs if they try to eat it. Or the TV that you can tell what show you want and it will put it on. So you don't even need the remote! I really never know what you are going to come up with next. But its always pretty interesting.

We have been having a slight adjustment period after coming home from California. We just seem to be bumping stubborn heads more often then not lately. You are very stubborn; I am very stubborn. Sometimes it just doesn't end well. There seems to be some more back-talking as well. I guess I can call it that. I'm not sure. If I ask you to do something and we end up fighting about it, you will start telling me that "You're arguing. Stop arguing." I'm not really sure how to respond to that. Honestly, I really think you just don't like sharing me and its the end of the summer. Gammy says that at the end of the summer kid always behave terribly because they are getting bored. When we are at home, I feel like we are always on the go. There is a limited number of hours that I can play Lego's with you. I have a life at home. I go out. I work. In California, you had me all to yourself without any interruptions. I think you are having a hard time adjusting in my "in a minutes". Well, you will get me back for another 5 days when we go to the Dominican Republic on the 16th. You better not let the dinosaur loose on my sand castle again. The world might get in the way sometimes but I still will always love you too much. (That's what you say to me when we play the "I love you more" game.)
I love you everyday,
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