
This Christmas we got a special surprise. You got chosen to play Santa in the Night Before Christmas play at school. You were the only kid with a line, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night". I'm still not sure how they chose you. Your charm. Innocent good looks. Ability to yell over other kids. Sheer nepotism cause Momma works there and everybody loves you. I am going to bet on all of the above. I got you to practice at home by asking you to say your line instead of saying please. To say that everyone was excited about your debut is an understatement. We brought an entourage of people. Auntie B and Pa took off from work. Aunt Lizzy and Nana wouldn't dare miss it. And of course Gammy and me. You were amazing. The confidence! The direction! The biggest smile ever! With your classmates as reindeer, you rode in a sleigh. You had an enormous stuffed belly that you grabbed like a bowl full of jelly. You put your finger on your nose and scooted up the chimney. You waved to the audience and said your line perfectly. The video will surely be a favorite of many Christmas's to come.
NBD. Just making Xmas treats. |
I was mildly nervous about this Christmas. You asked for the Lego Death Star. It was the only thing on your list that was consistent. And it was the only thing that I was positive I was not getting you. It is a $400 Lego set. Made for 14 years and up. Its epic. Its unpractical. I just couldn't justify it. So I distracted. Persuaded you to look for other sets that were just as awesome. I was nervous that you were going to be disappointed. We all get disappointed at Christmas at some point. I just really didn't want it to be this Christmas; this early in your life. Thankfully, my distraction techniques worked. I still can't decide which choice was better, not getting the Death Star or replacing it with the Wii. You are obsessed with your video games now and quite talented too. My favorite pastime has become watching you jump around the den. One day you were jumping, running, and gesturing so enthusastically that you tripped on your own legs and landed on your back. I laughed. I'm not proud that I laughed when you fell. And of course I comforted you while my eyes were streaming with laughing tears. BUT it was pretty hysterical. You tripped on your own legs playing Wii. Totally something I would do.
I got a pretty lucky break and got to house sit for a parishoner who happened to have an indoor pool/jacuzzi. Perfect timing for breaking the winter blues. I would get you from school and we would head there to feed the cats and swim. It was glorious. A mini-vacation sorely needed. I kept wondering if we lived there would I appreciate it as much. Or was it just because it was a novelity. There is not much stress to be had when you are in the water, with a glass of wine (or ice tea for you), watching the snow fall on the glass above your head. By the end of the few days you were pretty positive you wanted to move in.
Santa got fancy this year! |
My most favorite part about this Christmas was how grateful you were for everything. I gave you pajamas, like always, on Christmas eve. And you professed that it was the best Christmas ever. You went on and on how amazing your pajamas are. On Christmas morning you actually watched us open our presents while waiting in between yours. You TOOK TURNS opening presents. What almost 5 year old does that?!? You loved everything and if you got a duplicate you would comfort the gift giver. "Its ok. We can return it." For a Christmas that I almost thought would be ruined, you absolutely amazed me once again. I am so proud of you.
I love you everyday,
Momma Domma
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