
Unfortunately, there was a blizzard on your birthday which was also the day that I had booked the Children's Museum for your party. We did a get a decent 12"+ so it was a legit storm. I ended up canceling it (ohhh the horror) and rescheduling for a few weeks later. I tried to make your day extra special. Baked you a cake of your choice. I put balloons hanging in your doorway so you would have to walk through balloons when you woke up. We sang 'Happy Birthday' with candles in your pancakes. We ended up having a nice day; playing in the snow, drinking hot chocolate, and had a lovely family dinner at one of your favorite restaurants. We spent a lot of the day constructing your brand spanking new Lego Death Star. Yes!! You got it!! Finally! I caved. Well, kind of. Gammy rallied to your cause and called all of our closest relatives. Who, of course, started sending checks. Your family is pretty incredible, my love. I gave you your options. You could get lots of presents, one from each person. Or you could just get one big one.

So, you got your Death Star. Neither of us were disappointed. Its pretty impressive. It took us 4 days to get it together. And the next day you dropped it on the floor and burst out crying! It was sad and endearing and kind of breath taking. It was one of those slow-motion falls with a massive crash. All the air got sucked out of the room and we held our breath to gage your reaction. You thought I would be upset because how long it took us. I had to convince you that was what Legos were for. You build them, take them apart, and build something new. We fixed it. But now all you want to do is modify everything. You had a playdate with your friend Charlie and tore every Lego set apart. I begged you to leave the Death Star and Millennium Falcon alone. But nothing else was saved. It was hard for me to watch, but you guys had the best time. This time you were comforting me. "Mom, we can rebuild everything! I want to build without the books." So, this time we start again. Most likely in our new house. Without instructions. Just your imagination.
Waiting for your friends |
Your party was pretty great. It was a superhero party. They hid pictures of different villains throughout the exhibits. You made masks and ran around searching for the bad guys. You had a blast. You were so excited. From the very minute you woke up. I wish I could give you a party everyday just to see your face. Your hands always go a mile a minute when you are excited. You rub your hands together, twist them around, clap them together. I don't think they stopped moving the entire day. Totally made up for you being snowed out on your real birthday.

We spent much of this month being sick. The stomach flu made its way through the entire family. Except for you. I was convinced that you were going to get sick just at the wrong moment. Like right before your birthday party. Or when I had to go to Miami for work and you were going to be home with Gammy for 24 hours. Clearly, that would be an amazing time for you to get sick. I got sick on a night out, puked all over the city. With each of us that got it, it was the worst timing possible and then you get tied to a toilet for days. So, I kept waiting. And every time you coughed I rushed to get you a garbage can. Nothing. You must be the healthiest kid on the planet. It was terrible being laid up but I did enjoy spending days home laying on the couch with you. Dare I say, you didn't mind it much either.
I love you everyday,
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