With Charlie |
This month has been a flurry of activity. I swear, all of a sudden, you have become way more popular then me. Seriously. My phone is filled with play dates and birthday parties. You inform me when you get home from school who you are having play dates with. You arrange them yourself! I have become reliant on my phone in the morning to remind me of what is going on during the day. I think you are averaging 3 play dates a week. I also have taught you to dial my phone for "emergencies". But you know, I was in the bathroom and you really needed some ice tea, so you just called Gammy. Totally an emergency. We probably need to go over what constitutes an emergency. You ask how many nighttimes before your next play date and if there isn't one soon you demand me to call for someone to come over. Plus baseball. Ohhh, baseball.
And don't forget cousin William |
I've never played baseball with you before. I've never thrown a ball around in the backyard. There are a lot of things I attempt to teach you on a daily basis but these things are not in my skill set. So I recruited Pa to be your baseball coach. (Recruited might be soft. I think demanded is more like it. Actually signed him up a little against his will knowing that he would come around.) Pa came home with a mitt and helmet. You actually have some skill, the only thing that limits you is your attention span. You would much rather be playing on the playground or fooling around with the kid next to you or taking a water break. But Pa. Pa is an amazing coach. He always has been. Finally after teaching 3 girls teams for countless years, he gets his chance at baseball. You got jealous during the first practice. He is YOUR Pa. YOUR Pa was not allowed to fool around with other kids. YOUR Pa was not allowed to give encouragement to anyone else. Pa didn't really understand why you were acting up until I explained it to him when we got home. But you've been much better since I explained to you that you need to share Pa at practice but get him all to yourself when we get home. It has been good with the move for you to know that you have two definite days that you get to play with Pa.

You throw fairly well. Not much aim yet. When you concentrate you can hit the baseball off the tee very well. The key being if you concentrate. If not you are spinning around like a ballerina. Pa told you that he put a little man on top of the baseball and you had to knock him off. You hit it to the outfield. Pa was so proud. I don't think I have ever seen you catch anything. During the first game you hit the ball and ran all the bases. Like right past the runner on second and third. Ran through home and then went back to first with all the coaches yelling and all of us laugh/crying on the sidelines.
We finally made it into our new house! (After lots of stress on my part and mild complaining on your part.) I wanted to make our first night extra special. So I told you that we could sleep where ever you wanted. You decided that you wanted to have a slumber party; watch movies (you don't like movies this actually meant that we watched DVR'd episodes of the Octonauts and Jake and the Neverland Pirates), eat popcorn, and sleep on the couch. You insisted that I bring the "pouf" (aka ottoman) from the other room so we would both have one on the den couch together. You called it "our pouf party". Just when you were about to fall asleep on the couch you asked to go cuddle upstairs in my bed. We played hookie that next day. Which you have now asked several times to do again. I made "scratch" pancakes shaped as a "W" which you think are the best breakfast ever. I made so many that you asked me to call Gammy to eat with us. Gammy was so shaken up by the 12 hours we spent without her (we had dinner with everyone the night before) that she was over in two seconds.
Sleeping angel on our first night |
It was a good night. We have had good nights. You proclaimed the other day that "hey mom, I think I like this house." Which I think is the most validation from you I will get. I am so grateful for all of this. This house. This support. This family. But Wyatt, especially you. At the end of the day, us being together makes this house a home. It makes all of the hard work so worth it. You make everything worth it. I don't think I will ever get tired of watching you get the mail after school. Or holding your hand as we walk up the stairs to bed. Or watching you run in the street with the neighborhood kids. Or seeing your face light up when you bring someone in your room. Or eating together, just the two of us and listening about your day. I am so thrilled to be making this move, in this home, with you.
I love you infinity.
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