My Love,
I think it is finally safe to say that we are officially moved in to our new home. Yes, I know that we have been here for a few months now (we still don't have curtains and I can't find anything in the kitchen) but it takes time to adjust things to the way we like them. You are pretty particular about how your toys are organized. I tend to KEEP everything in its place but you definitely WANT everything in its place. If there is one toy where its not usually I am sure to hear about it. But overall, its home. I love hearing you say 'Let's go home.' I love when you want to invite the family over our house for dinner. And definitely when you want to help me get the house 'ship shape and nice' and follow me around dusting. Yup, that is definitely my favorite.
To celebrate we had a big housewarming party. We invited some of the new neighbors, friends, family, and of course waited until Nana and Grandpa were home to really take it full circle. We set up tables in the front yard so people could come and go as they pleased. You ran around with the kids from the block and gave tours of the house when asked. Basically, your favorite spots including your room and the den. I am guessing that most everyone wanted to see the house not just all your toys but it was cute how proud you were. By the end of the night, there were a few select people getting drunk in our den, eating left overs, and gossiping. It felt like the beginning of something wonderful. Like us moving in to this home, that I already loved, has begun to open doors for us. That we are going to have more room to let love in. Maybe it was just a good party, who knows.

You also graduated from pre-school!!! And it was adorable!!! Of course. You were all dressed like little chefs that had 'cooked up' your ABC's all year long. You enthusiastically sang songs and walked across the church to get your diploma. They passed out a book with a picture of what each kid wanted to be when they grew up. You decided you wanted to be a mailman because you liked getting packages. That was definitely surprising. I wanted your day to be extra special so after the ceremony you, me and Dad hopped on a train to the city. I promised you a trip to FAO Schwartz. For some reason, despite all our trips we had never made it there. It really is a magical place and seems a little more organized then the Toys R Us in Times Square. I let you pick out a Lego set which took about an hour. No joke. You must have looked at every set 4 times each before making a decision. Then we met Hayley and Pawel for dinner, maybe a little selfishly. It is really a rare occurrence that the 3 of us are ever in the same city so I had to take advantage. And pretty much the trick is, whenever there is a lego involved, you are bound to have a good time.

I am not sure if it is because we have been together more then normal or if there is any reason at all but you seem to be a little more loving then normal. I wanted to say attached to me but that is not the case. It is just that you are showing your affection towards me in a whole new way that is entirely too endearing. Maybe it is because you once had several people that fawned on you all the time (who still do but see you less often) and now you just have me fawning on you everyday. The other night you called me into your room, "Momma, I'm feeling a little snugglish. Can you lay with me?" Yes, of course. How can I say no to that? Once we were all settled, I started feeling these tiny kisses on my hand that was draped around you. I kissed you back and in your sleepiness you said "Momma, when I kiss your it goes through your blood to your heart that's like a love meter. So you can feel me loving you." My sweetheart, my love meter is off the charts for you. You make everyday better. And I will always be there when you feel snugglish.
I love you everyday,
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