Exhibit A |
This summer has been so brutally hot. We moved into this fabulous home with all of these lovely cross breeze wide open windows. So lovely but only really effective if there is a breeze. Which, of course, there hasn't been. I had made a big statement at the beginning of the summer, "No AC for us!! Its easier just to not be in it at all." I totally believe that. However, when you get no relief for days and then decide to do cardio Pilates. It's like inhaling sweaty hotness. We really did put in a good effort though. I finally had to cave when we woke up sweating, found you naked on the couch one too many times, and realized that surprise guests don't really like us playing Legos in our underwear. I found a AC unit in the basement for your bedroom and one of your friends' mother took pity on us and gave us one for the den. Even with both of them running it didn't make much of a dent. I guess now I have time to prepare for next summer.
So, Pa decided one afternoon that he was going to come down and watch you at swim lessons. You have been spending lots of time together having light saber battles, as if your bond wasn't strong enough already. I think you just got excited and wanted to show off a little. After lesson, you were paddling around with one of the kick-boards while Pa and I stood on the shore. You got out a little farther then I would have liked and when I called you back in you lost your balance a little. You started struggling, bobbing up and down a little. I yelled at Pa. I thought you were going down. I guess I rattled Pa a little and he froze. I jumped in. Clothes and all. You would have been fine. I know that. But in that split second decision, I wasn't really prepared to just sit around and watch what happened. We all laughed about it afterwards. Even you. Who almost drowns AT swimming lessons?!?! With like 12 lifeguards standing around!
I have a point to telling all this, I promise. I know that buying a car, is, well, just buying any other material possession. But I learned quite a deal in this whole experience. Ever since I had you, most of my energies have been focused on you. Your needs, your wants, saving money for what you will eventually need, college funds, etc. Of course, that is extremely important and I am grateful I have been able to provide all that you have needed. However, I think I forgot that it was OK for me to want something. I am a good mom, and I could afford to treat myself to something I wanted. So, instead of taking a possibly more frugal, more conservative option, I decided that I was worth it. That we were worth wanting something better. Even if it was material. Wyatt, I want you to remember, that YOU are worth it. After you are done saving, and providing, and meeting your responsibilities; my darling Wyatt, treat yourself but only when all those other things are done first. Thats a life lesson right there. Write it down.
I love you every single day,
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